24 hour Crisis Intervention Hotline:  1-800-621-8504 (or call 903-472-7242)
Behavioral Health / IDD / Substance Use Centralized Intake: 1-800-669-4166
OSAR for Substance Use: 1-800-588-8728 (or call 940-224-6200) Wichita Falls and surrounding counties


Helen Farabee Centers specialize in providing access to community-based treatment and support services for persons with severe, persistent forms of mental illness, substance abuse and persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  A Commitment to Caring.

We regret to announce the closure of HFC’s IDD Provider Services Division

Although we have remained one of several local providers for many years, HFC has conceded that this line of service is no longer financially sustainable. We look forward to helping our current clients find a new provider of their choice and will continue to evaluate anyone for IDD eligibility, as well as, create and monitor plans of care as the IDD Authority. No other IDD, Mental Health or Crisis Response services will be impacted. 

Although we are sad to see this program close, we are forever thankful for the hardworking staff that have gone above and beyond to provide the absolute best service to our community. We would also like to thank our clients for choosing us over the years. We appreciate all the support we have received and are looking forward to assisting you during this transition.

Today’s Inspired Mr. Rogers Quote

"It takes strength to face our sadness and to grieve and to let our grief and anger flow in tears when they need to. It takes strength to talk about our feelings and to reach out for help and comfort when we need it."

– Fred Rogers

Due to inclement weather, All Helen Farabee Centers are closed today.