24 hour Crisis Intervention Hotline:  1-800-621-8504 (or call 903-472-7242)
Behavioral Health / IDD / Substance Use Centralized Intake: 1-800-669-4166
OSAR for Substance Use: 1-800-588-8728 (or call 940-224-6200) Wichita Falls and surrounding counties

Texas Comptroller’s Annual Local Debt Report

Annual Helen Farabee Centers’ Local Debt Report:

Entity Information
Political Subdivision Name*:
Helen Farabee Centers
Political Subdivision Type*:
If "other", please specify
Government/Non-Profit Community Health Center
Reporting Fiscal Year*:
Fiscal Year Start (MM/DD/YYYY)*:
Fiscal Year End (auto):
Political Subdivision Website, if applicable:
Political Subdivision Telephone*:
Political Subdivision Email, if applicable:
Does the Political Subdivision have any reportable debt?*
Contact Information
Contact Name*:
Linda Poenitzsch
Contact Title*:
Chief Financial Officer, Business Office - WF
Contact Phone*:
Contact Email:
Physical Address, Line 1*:
1000 Brook Ave
Physical Address, Line 2:
Wichita Falls
Is the physical and mailing address the same ? * :
Mailing Address, Line 1:
PO Box 8266
Mailing Address, Line 2:
Mailing City:
Wichita Falls
Mailing Zip:
Mailing County:
Debt Reporting Summary
Total Tax-Supported and Revenue Debt
Total authorized debt obligations:
Total principal of all outstanding debt obligations:
Combined principal and interest required to pay all outstanding debt obligations on time and in full:
Total debt secured by Ad Valorem Taxation (includes combination tax and revenue debt obligations)
Total authorized debt obligations secured by ad valorem taxation:
Total principal of all outstanding debt obligations secured by ad valorem taxation:
Combined principal and interest required to pay all outstanding debt obligations secured by ad valorem taxation on time and in full:
Per Capita Total Debt secured by Ad Valorem Taxation (required for municipalities, counties, and school districts only)
Population of the political subdivision:
Source and year of population data:
Total authorized debt obligations secured by ad valorem taxation expressed as a per capita amount:
Total principal of outstanding debt obligations secured by ad valorem taxation as a per capita amount:
Combined principal and interest required to pay all outstanding debt obligations secured by ad valorem taxation on time and in full as a per capita amount: