Services are provided to eligible youth ages 3-17 according to the Texas Resilience and Recovery (TRR) Guidelines set forth by the Health and Human Services Commission. The center accepts Medicare, Medicaid, and most forms of private health insurance. For individuals who do not have health coverage, fees will be assessed on the basis of household income, with no one being denied services due to an inability to pay.
How do I open services with Helen Farabee Centers Child & Adolescent Services?
Through Open Access, individuals can get same day walk in intakes to open services. Intakes are available Monday-Friday, except for holidays when the office is closed.
1. Go to your nearest Helen Farabee Centers office.
§ There are a limited number of new intake spaces daily, so it is recommended that you arrive few minutes prior to offices opening at 8am to increase your chances to be seen the same day.
§ For Wichita Falls, intakes are held at 500 Broad Street location. Intakes are not held in the Jacksboro or Seymour offices.
2. Check in with the clerk at the front desk and inform them you would like to open services for your child.
3. Fill out the registration paperwork the clerk gives you.
§ IMPORTANT: The child must be accompanied by a legal guardian. Make sure to bring guardianship/custody paperwork, or divorce documents (if applicable) to the intake, as your child cannot be seen without them! Child support documents are not accepted as custody paperwork.
§ While not mandatory at your first scheduled appointment, it may be helpful to complete your financial statement. In order to do this, the clerk will need proof of insurance (if applicable). If your child does not have insurance, proof of income will be required to assess sliding scale fees.
4. Return the paperwork to the clerk and wait for your child’s name to be called by the LPHA (Licensed Practitioner of the Healing Arts) so they can perform your child’s initial assessment.
§ This is where you inform the provider of why you have decided to open services. It is important to disclose all the symptoms, barriers, and behaviors affecting your child’s day to day life.
5. If eligible for services, your child will be assigned a case manager, who will be the go-to person for your child’s care. At the first appointment, the case manager will provide a detailed overview of services and will assist you in developing an individualized recovery plan and arranging follow up services.
For additional information, please contact your nearest location and ask to speak to someone about youth behavioral health services.